Remember The Odds

Well, the new year sure hasn't yet shown any sign of a "January effect"!

The market started the day up (which cued up a few victories for us), and then proceeded to drop more than a hundred points in a single day (which triggered several stoplosses).

On days like this where there are a lot of losses, it's not abnormal for some emotions to come up. Anger, fear, and doubt might have been felt by some of us.

Try to keep in mind what our strategy is though. We're all about playing the odds. We're relying on 20 year of stock market price data to tell us which trades put the odds in our favor.

Yes, there are some days like today that come along and they might sting. But remember the big picture: overall this trading approach has a historical edge, and it's totally normal for there to be losses along the way like this.

The best thing you could do, according to 20+ years of history, is stick to the plan and keep trading with edge. That's what will put the odds in your favor in the long term. And that's what I'm going to continue to do (as mindfully as possible!).

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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