Mindful Trader Commentary For September 30, 2021

Hey Guys,

The market is still volatile. It's like the bulls and bears are trading major blows out there right now. The price sometimes drives forcefully upward only to turn around sharply and shoot downward. There's no way to be sure whether the bulls or bears will come out victorious. A lot might hinge on political events that transpire today. I clearly have my money on the bulls due to all the data I've researched, but it certainly doesn't mean they win every time.

I bought TSCO today. I bought the stock in my main account and I bought the options in my extra options account. We saw this ticker last month and it's showing up again. It's been in an uptrend since we traded it last time. Let's see if its uptrend can continue.

I sold PANW today since it reached its time limit. Technically it went on the books as a profit, but it was basically a breakeven trade. That one had been up early on after I bought it, but it came tumbling back down with Tuesday's market drop.

Tomorrow is expiration Friday for most of my options positions. So for any of those that are still open near the end of trading today (1pm Pacific Time), I will be manually closing the positions. You'll see those trades listed in red on the extra options account page. Those positions will all be off my books by the end of the day today (except for any that are worthless and can't be sold, in which case they won't be off my books until they expire on Friday).

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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