Mindful Trader Commentary For September 21, 2022

Hey Guys,

The market is in a bit of a range right now. Over the last 4 days, the S&P 500 has bounced between 3,850 and 3,925 very roughly. It might play pinball in this range for a bit.

I haven't taken on any new positions yet this morning, but I did buy BJ in the low-priced account late yesterday. There are also more tickers starting to show up on the watch list, which means there might be some more trades setting up relatively soon.

I closed out my position on EVBG from the low-priced account this morning since it reached its time limit. I took a partial loss on that trade. Any time I have a stock position that reaches its time limit, I manually sell the position at the opening bell using a market sell order. The second video on this page shows how I do it.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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