Mindful Trader Commentary For September 15, 2022

Hey Guys,

After the market's big drop on Tuesday, it's held its ground. The S&P 500 has ranged between 3940 and 3975 the last couple days. Even though it's been quiet, that doesn't mean we're out of the woods with volatility.

I haven't picked up any new positions this morning yet, but I did buy shares of ULTA in the main account late yesterday. I had a buy limit order set up for it all day long (as I do for all tickers on my watch list), and that order got filled with about half an hour left in the market session yesterday.

TAL is the ticker on my watch list that seems to be closest to setting up a new trade. The stock share price and option prices are really low on that one. Maybe it will dip down enough for us to buy it soon.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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