Mindful Trader Commentary For March 27, 2024

Hey Guys,

The market took a tumble at the end of the day yesterday, but then regained a lot of that ground overnight. The S&P 500 is around 5,225 right now.

My GMAB stock position reached its time limit this morning, so I manually closed it at the opening bell. It ended up with a decent profit.

Since the stock market is closed on Friday in observance of Good Friday, it means my normal schedule for closing option positions is moved up by one day. So I have some option positions that reached their time limits today instead of tomorrow. I'll be manually closing those near the end of the trading session today unless they reach their profit targets before then.

I've only taken on one new trade so far today. I bought a stock position for ENB in the main account. Yesterday that order for those RNG options did end up getting filled, and you can see that trade in my options account.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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