Hey Guys,
The market dropped noticeably from yesterday's highs. The S&P 500 is around 5,120 right now, which reversed all the week's gains for the market.
My stock position on LLY reached it time limit today, so I manually closed it. That one ended up with a small loss. Also, my two option positions yesterday that reached their time limits both ended up with partial losses (UBER and TTD).
Overall, it was a mixed week for me. I hit some profit targets but also had some losses. But when all the dust settled, I ended up with a net profit in each account. For my options account, that marks 7 straight weeks with a profit.
My option position on ABT took a hit last night. Some news got released that caused it to gap down big time. It's one of the risks of trading, unfortunately, and it happens every once in a while. Sometimes unexpected news sends the stock flying the opposite way. I'm able to stay pretty grounded when it happens because I know it occasionally happens and it can go both ways.
I took on new positions today. In the main account, I bought shares of WDC. In the options account, I bought options for ZM and WDC. In the double down account, I bought stock for YUM and options for ABT.
My main account is completely full of positions right now. I'm happy to take on lots of positions when the market goes down like this. All year long it's been bouncing back after dips like this.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.