Hey Guys,
The market rebounded some since my last email, although it's been zig zagging this morning and hasn't really settled in at any particular price point. The S&P 500 is around 5,140 right now.
I had a couple positions reach profit targets since my last email. My Disney options hit their profit target yesterday. And my HTHT stock position from the double down account gapped up overnight and gave me an oversized profit this morning.
I didn't have to take any manual action to get the larger profit on HTHT. At the opening bell, since there were so many bidders are the higher price, my order was automatically filled at the higher price. So the larger profit was automatically captured.
There have been no new trades yet so far today. As always, I have buy limit orders in for the tickers at the top of the watch list.
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.