Mindful Trader Commentary For June 30, 2021

Well I finally had some trades set up. Yesterday I bought ELS late in the trading session, and today I bought ANET and GOOG stock. I also picked up an ANET option spread in my extra options account.

Note: The ticker I bought is GOOG, not GOOGL. It can be easy to get them mixed up.

That ANET option I bought is a kind of funky one in the sense that the bid/ask spread is really wide. With some options, the difference between the bid and the ask is small and you can pretty easily tell what price it's going to take to get into the position. Those ones feel easy and clean to me. This one is different. It has a really wide spread, which makes it a little cloudier in some ways. It was harder to tell what price it was going to take to buy it, and then once I bought it, the unrealized profitability figures that got displayed for the position were wonky because my trading platform couldn't easily discern the value of the option. So this option doesn't have that same "clean" feeling as one with a tight bid/ask spread might, but ultimately the final value I get for the option will rely mainly on where the stock price goes, even if it feels funky along the way.

I sold my YNDX position this morning since it hit the time limit. It was close to a full profit. I've now gotten a profit on 10 of my last 12 trades, which is a nice bounce back after hitting a bunch of stop losses in a row during that volatility earlier this month.

Tomorrow my position on GMAB will hit its time limit, so I'll be closing it in the morning.

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