Mindful Trader Commentary For June 12, 2024

Hey Guys,

The market had a nice upward jolt this morning, apparently due to an inflation report that was released before the market opened. There is also a Fed announcement scheduled for 11am Pacific Time today, so that could give the market another jolt, for better or worse.

My trading platform is back to normal, which feels good. It's funny how life felt very different yesterday in the morning without it.

I had a win and a loss since my last email. I manually closed VST for a profit this morning since it reached its time limit, and NEE hit its stop loss yesterday.

I took on a couple new positions today. I bought stock for TTWO in the main account. I bought options for SBUX in the options account. I also picked up a couple positions in both those accounts yesterday after my platform became available.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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