Mindful Trader Commentary For July 30, 2021

Hey Guys,

Well it was a wild morning and a wacky week.

Here is what made the week abnormal:

1) There were so many Earnings Day trades! Today there were two more. These are not the typical Mindful Trader trades. These trades are more like grabbing a tiger by the tail whereas my typical trades often have a more meandering nature and take a week to play out. There just weren't any other trades setting up, so the Earnings Day trades were all that were available to me. This is not the norm.

2) There were a lot of trades I made where the ticker did not start out on the Watch List. When I make the watch list each day, I am listing the tickers that have a price that is relatively close to the potential entry. This week, due to all the earnings releases, there have been a lot of tickers that have fallen way down from the clouds and triggered an entry. It's not typical. If you choose to actively use the watch list to get advance notice of the trades I am likely to get into, but you want to be able to catch these falling stars that do not show up on the watch list, one thing you can do is use my scan and set alerts each day for all the tickers in the scan. Again, most trades come right off my watch list, but if you want to do the legwork to try to catch absolutely everything I do before I post the trade, that's how you could do it.

I bought FTNT and IDXX stock shares this morning. In one single minute, FTNT dropped from my entry price to just pennies away from my stoploss. And then it turned around and went right back up. I thought for a moment that it was going to be the shortest-lasting trade of my Mindful Trader career. And the roller coaster ride's not over yet with these two. They're both moving around a lot as I type this.

I also picked up some ORCL options today. They were nice and cheap with a clean bid/ask spread (which is a luxury when it comes to options).

My ORLY stock position closed out for a profit today. That was fast. On the other hand, my HUM trade is close to the stoploss. Everything else is relatively near breakeven as of the time I'm writing this.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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