Attention passengers: we might experience some turbulence on this flight!
Things got really rocky for my portfolio starting a few hours into the trading session yesterday. My positions for TDOC and HUBS both bit the dust and hit their stoplosses. And just about every other one of my positions plummeted.
With the market down this morning, there were a lot of trades that set up, and I absolutely loaded up on positions. In my main account I bought TTD and STE stock positions as well as EBAY options. In my extra options account I bought options for FB, AMD, TTD, and EBAY. What I like about these trades is that they cover a diverse array of industries. I'm not exposed to any one industry's performance with this batch of trades.
So if things turn around and go back up, I'll be positioned to potentially benefit from that. But there's certainly no guarantee that the market or my positions will go back up. Just remember: this is what we all signed up for. There is risk and there will be drawdowns. This is the exact sort of thing we have to be able to live through if we want to try to benefit from the potential back-tested edge of this trading approach. Losses are a normal part of the trading experience here and are unavoidable.
1) I have options positions that expire tomorrow. I'll be closing those first thing in the morning.
2) My MES futures position expires today. I'll be closing that at 3pm Pacific Time (at the open of the futures market).
If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.