Mindful Trader Commentary For January 25, 2022

This market is wild Guys! Yesterday when the market opened, the S&P 500 was down 150 points from the prior trading day. Then it went down over 100 points over the next few hours from there, only to go up 200 points to finish the day. And then overnight last night it came back down 70 points and ended up right back near where it started yesterday. What a roller coaster.

Here's something that helps me during times like this. I remind myself that I don't control the market. The market is going to go whatever way it wants, and I can't control that. I do lean on history to try to put the odds in the my favor. But once that trade starts, I don't have any control where the market goes from there.

And likewise, as a very good friend of mine once pointed out, the market doesn't control me either. If I can release any urge to control the market and my trade outcomes, then I can be at peace with whichever way it goes. It's amazing really: if I try to control the market, then the market controls me and my emotions. If I let go of the outcome and allow the market to take its course (knowing that I'm using an academic back-tested trading approach), then the market doesn't control me. The result of your portfolio might be similar either way, but one way involves a lot less emotional suffering.

I picked up some new positions today. I bought PM and CHKP in the main account. I bought PM options in the extra options account. And I bought stock for FLO and ALSN in the low-priced account.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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