Mindful Trader Commentary For February 8, 2022

Hey Guys,

The market is down a bit this morning, but still hovering in the same general zone as it has been for the last few days. It's looking noticeably less volatile than it was in January, so for the time being the market seems somewhat stable. We'll see if that continues to hold true as the week progresses.

My TTE stock position reached its profit target. It actually gapped up over the profit target, so my exit price was 59.37 even though my sell limit order was set for 59.21. I didn't take any manual action to get the higher price. My sell limit order automatically filled me at the higher price.

That's one of the beauties of those sell limit orders. The price we specify is the minimum price we are willing to sell for, but we might get a higher price. If there are a lot of bidders at a price higher than my sell limit price, which sometimes happens when the price gaps up overnight, then it means I might filled at a higher price than I specified. That's what happened with TTE today.

There are no new trades yet today. There have only been a small handful of trades over the last several trading days. I am eager for some action, but I also don't want to take trades that don't have a back-tested edge. If we aren't seeing any signals that suggest the odds might be in our favor to make a trade, then I personally am comfortable patiently waiting. That said, it will be nice when we get back to seeing new trade opportunities every day.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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