Mindful Trader Commentary For April 12, 2022

Hey Guys,

Yesterday the market ended up having a big down day. And now this morning it's been rebounding. Clearly, we are back in the land of volatility with the market right now.

At times like this, the account balance can fluctuate a lot day to day. Like yesterday at one point my combined account balance was down about 4% from where it started the day. That's a pretty big fluctuation for one day. Then this morning it recovered more than half of that. In a market condition like this, it could bounce around a lot.

I find it helpful to "zoom out" my perspective, and try to keep the bigger picture in mind rather than getting jittery about every twist and turn the market takes. There will be a lot of dips and dives along the way, and if I get all wound up each time, then it makes for the trading journey a lot tougher to endure. Zooming out my frame of reference helps me stay cool.

I had a few trades reach their time limits today. Two closed for small profits (NTRS and JXN) and one closed for a medium-sized loss (CAT).

I took on some new positions today. I bought stock for WELL and LIN in the main account. I did an options trade for ILMN in the extra options account. And I bought NOMD shares in the low-priced account.

Quick note: I had listed some trades as having a "Closing By" date of this Friday, but I changed those to be the following Monday since the stock market will be closed this Friday.

If you have any questions or feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

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